Bolzano: Presentation of the Guide “Purchasing a Property Under Construction” Translated into German as “Kauf einer zu errichtenden Liegenschaft”



The Notarial Council of Bolzano has translated into German the Guide “Purchasing a Property Under Construction – Legal Protection When Buying Off the Plan”, which was produced by the National Council of Notaries and 12 Consumer Associations (Adiconsum, Adoc, Altroconsumo, Assoutenti, Casa del Consumatore, Cittadinanzattiva, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Lega Consumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino, Unione Nazionale Consumatori) in order to guide purchasers of unbuilt properties for whom legislation (Legislative Decree 122/2005) provides a system of protection against the kind of negative consequences suffered in the past by thousands of families.

The Guide “Wegweiser für die Bürger: Kauf einer zu errichtenden Liegenschaft” was included as an insert last Saturday 16 April with the German-language daily newspaper Dolomiten which sold 73,000 copies after having been advertised the day before in the same paper.

This is the second Guide that the Notarial Council of Bolzano has translated into German for its citizens: on 27 November 2010 Dolomiten carried as an insert the Guide “Vorvertrag. Sicherheit beim Immobilienkauf” (“Prior Guarantee. Safety in Real Estate Conveyancing.”), previously presented in Bolzano on 19 November 2010 during a press conference with National Councillor Gabriele Noto, the Chairman of the Interregional Committee of Notarial Councils in the Triveneto, Giulia Clarizio, the President of the Notarial Council of Bolzano, Walter Crepaz, as well as, representing the Consumer Associations, the Director of the Centre for the Protection of Consumers in Alto Adige Walther Andreaus and the President of Adiconsum Trento, Salvatore Conte.

These Citizens’ Guides are available on the website under Practical Guides, and on the websites of the relevant Consumer Associations.

Altri Articoli



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