“Marriage: Family Rights and Duties”, the new Citizens Guide to be presented to the public in Rome



On Thursday 29 January at 10:30 a.m. at the offices of the District Notarial Council at 122 Via Flaminia in Rome, the new citizens guide on marriage will be presented; the event is being organised by the National Council of Notaries in collaboration with 12 leading consumer associations (Adiconsum, Adoc, Altroconsumo, Assoutenti, Casa del Consumatore, Cittadinanzattiva, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Lega Consumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino, Unione Nazionale Consumatori).

After a welcome by the President of the District Council of Rome, Velletri and Civitavecchia, Cesare Felice Giuliani, proceedings will be opened by the National Council of Notaries’ manager for consumer relations, Albino Farina, and Luisa Crisigiovanni, Secretary General of Altroconsumo, who will present the guide in detail.

The event, which will be open to the public, will be an opportunity to meet and to debate by way of a panel discussion moderated by Serena Bortone, a RaiTre journalist and author, on the social and cultural transformations that have occurred in views of “the family” and the role that the institution of marriage still plays within contemporary society.

Guests of the round table will be: Linda Laura Sabbadini, Director of Istat’s Department of Social and Environmental Policies; Rosario Trefiletti, President of Federconsumatori; and National Councillor Albino Farina.


Altri Articoli



During this health and economic emergency, Europe’s 45,000 notaries are personally and collectively committed to playing their full role in the community effort to overcome the pandemic and to mitigate as far as possible the significant personal losses that are and will be suffered by large numbers of citizens



Thanks to these two Regulations, the conflict of laws rules are now unified between the Member States participating in the enhanced cooperation to determine the applicable law and the competent court which will decide on the division of assets in the event of separation of the couple or death



Produced with financial support from the European Commission, this website provides information on the evidentiary value of authentic acts drawn up in the 22 countries of the European Union familiar with notarial practice in matters of succession and family law



He succeeds Spanish notary José Manuel García Collantes.



From today he is President of the 40,000 notaries of the European Union – He takes over from Mr Paolo Pasqualis



These stories, from times past and present, emerge from the provisions of the last wills and testaments of famous men and women as well as of ordinary people. They make interesting and in some cases even comical reading. Those who choose to give a noble end to their existence through a charitable bequest turn their will into a story of love for their fellow man and send a message of hope to new generations.