We are an institution established in Italy and now active in 91 countries around the world.  A Notary carries out preventive legality checks, ensuring that every notarial deed abides by the law and the will of the parties. A Notary’s activities are audited by the State, the Tax Authorities and the Ministry of Justice.

Finding advice

The National Council of Notaries, through the District Notarial Councils, has activated information points throughout the country to provide initial guidance for members of the public on subjects of notarial interest: buying a home, mortgages, donations, wills and succession, victims of usury and racketeering, support administrators and assistance to vulnerable members of society.

The notary is a public official who by law must be impartial and therefore protect the parties in equal measure: the state relies on him or her for the protection of its citizens in economically important operations. Because formalising a conveyance, a mortgage, a donation, the setting up of a company or the drafting of a will does not mean filling out and printing a preconceived form, but preparing a deed that is safe, valid and unassailable over time.

Find the information point nearest you: visit the FINDING ADVICE section (in Italian).