Ongoing training of notaries is carried out by the National Council of Notaries through the Italian Foundation of Notaries and other bodies, whether notarial or external, which are accredited to carry out this activity.
Article 2 of the notaries’ Principles of Professional Ethics provides that “the notary, to protect the public interest, must constantly update their professional skills through the acquisition of specific knowledge in all legal matters concerning them”.
The Notariat has a tradition of always promoting the training of its members and introduced the requirement for it for the first time in 2006 with the Rules of Procedure approved by the National Council.
In 2012, the reform of the professions established the obligation on all professionals to undergo professional updating in order to ensure the quality and efficiency of the services in the best interest of the user and the general public. Not to do so is considered a disciplinary offence. To this end, the National Council of Notaries issued new regulations on ongoing vocational training which came into force on 1 January 2014.
Notaries must achieve 100 training credits each two years, with a minimum of 40 credits each year.
Application for Recognition of Training Credits
In order to obtain recognition for Professional Training Credits, the Promoter must submit an application to the National Council of Notaries at least twenty days before the start date of the event. The application, including all information required by the Regulations, must be submitted through the Training Credits Database. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Recognition of Training Credits depends upon payment to the National Council of Notaries for each event and each year, as reimbursement for operating expenses of the electronic database, the sum of €250 (two hundred and fifty euros). For free initiatives the fee is limited to €30 (thirty euros).
Payment must be made by bank transfer in favour of the National Council of Notaries IBAN IT25H0569603200000007220X52, specifying as the reason the promoter and event date. A copy of the bank transfer must be sent via the database.
Authorisation for Training Activities
To request permission to perform training, the promoter must submit an application, complete with all the information required by the Regulations, through the Training Credits database.
Payment must be made by bank transfer in favour of the National Council of Notaries IBAN IT25H0569603200000007220X52, specifying as the reason the promoter’s name.
The National Council will forward a reasoned proposed resolution to the Minister of Justice in order to seek his binding opinion. Within thirty days of receipt of the opinion, the National Council will notify the granting or denial of authorisation. If an organisation is approved it will receive a user name and an access code for the system for future requests for recognition of training credits.